Blue Sails is an indie rock band formed in Wisconsin by brothers Max and Mitchell Bell. The brothers split time between the city and a studio they built in the countryside.
As their urban and rural lives clash, the brothers look to solitude in isolation and the mechanical hum of the city for inspiration.
“There Is No Unreturn’d Love” is a jam packed full of glamorous guitars, driving drums, and atmospheric synthesizers—in essence it’s a meditative track exploring the hostility of life.
Listen and dig my fair friends.
“I loved a certain person ardently and my love was not return’d, yet out of that I have written these songs.”
Listen to Blue Sails on Spotify.
Follow the band on Facebook & Instagram.
We do not promote music for pay. Nor do we run intrusive advertisements. We are the resistance to the watered-down mainstream filth that currently pollutes our commercial airwaves. Without you, indie music would be dead and we wouldn’t exist. So, thank you.
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