Brother Wives

I was out on the town this evening and just so happened to be walking by a little pizza shop when I first heard them. So, I stepped in.

I could hear it. The lonesome yearning of the Texas Hill Country — her spirit floating along the rugged plains of an ancient landscape — sharing her song with anyone willing to listen.

But tonight, she was already shining through an outfit of tattered rock and rollers known as the Brother Wives.

But then it was all over. And just like that, the memory was already fading. But, it will never be lost — for it had already caused a ripple that would be forever felt throughout the cosmos.

This night, the Brother Wives altered the course of cosmic history.

The band is an eclectic pack of wild men out of New Braunfels. Bearded underground indie-rockers getting down to the psychedelic vibrations of the Texas Hill Country.

And, they just might have that special something.

Follow Brother Wives on Facebook. Take a listen to their debut EP on Spotify.

“We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.” — Sagan


Published by

Charles Johnson

Independent journalist from Far West Texas.