A Note to Artists & Publicists: How to Submit Music to Blogs

If your email is too long, nobody will read it.

We get it, you’re trying to be nice and informative, but in the end it just eats up everyone’s time and makes it difficult to locate the link to your music.

The only thing that should really matter is your music. If your music sucks, a plethora of giant photographs and paragraphs of text are futile. If it’s good, we’ll ask for all that stuff later on. But to tell you the truth, I don’t really like going off a press release, as it tends to make for watered down and generic content.

Have you ever wondered why some artist reviews from various blogs are so similar? Well, I would guess they’re all going off the same press release.

Instead, please be courteous and write a one to four sentence note accompanied by ONE working link to ONE track. That’s it. My favorite source link is youtube. It’s familiar and there is no bullshit. Bandcamp and Soundcloud are also acceptable links. The worst are private links with a password. Please, do us all a favor and remove all barriers to your music. The exclusive VIP shit needs to end.

Final Thoughts

There is a more effective way in communicating with various music outlets. Create a relationship with them. Add them on social media. Like and comment on their stuff. Send them cool little notes. In short, stop being a narcissistic asshole and be cool. We are all in this shit together.

Remember, if all else fails, create your own platform and fuck the gatekeepers. We’re entering into a new age. If you fail, the only person to blame is yourself.

If you’d like for your music to be featured on Santa Rosa Records, please submit a YouTube or Soundcloud link to our subreddit, r/SantaRosaSubmissions.

May the upvotes be in your favor.

Here are 12 Good Indie Music Blogs To Submit Your Music To In 2018-2019.


Published by

Charles Johnson

Independent journalist from Far West Texas.

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