
Photograph Courtesy of Jealouspainter’s Instagram

Alternative underground bedroom slack-rocker Jealouspainter lays down some existential truth with the very cool “Giant Hands” a radical track off her new grunge-folk album, Wired & Tired. It’s a lackadaisical jam worthy of a righteous slow burner. Now, listen and dig. 

The music sounds as if it was born in another time, or perhaps dimension. It feels so right, yet sounds so unfamiliar and perhaps even ominous at times. Nevertheless, there is a sort of innocent glow that radiates from this diy project. And seems to pull the listener in ever closer upon every subsequent listen. We can’t wait to see and hear what the future holds in store for Jealouspainter. It should make for an interesting show. 

Keep up with the artist out of Montreal on Soundcloud. 

“We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.” — Sagan


Published by

Charles Johnson

Independent journalist from Far West Texas.