Only Me – Alpha Wave

Only Me is an alternative lofi project from planet earth — bringing us an experimental indie masterpiece of profound opulence from the depths of a lone broken heart.

“Alpha Wave” — a track off Only Me’s latest album “The Brighter the Sun…” is a lustrous homage to the beauty of the collective conscience. A sonic gem lost in an arid wasteland of plastic splendor and hollow tears.

Only Me spent over nine long years making the album using only vintage analog gear — and zero autotune.

The sound is an honest throwback to all those now dead and gone. A masterful collection of eclectic tracks ranging from indie dream-pop to psychedelic grunge. A transcendental breakthrough in the indie realm.

We hope to hear more from Only Me very soon!

“We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.” — Sagan


Published by

Charles Johnson

Independent journalist from Far West Texas.