[a narrative for] Information by SoundBath

“We’ve got some lovely information, I’ll give you a very fine price.”

The man blinked rapidly, thrice.

He seemed exceptionally brainy, for his manner was strangely uncanny. He wasn’t what I would call zany, but great disdain did he noticeably ooze.

Like others, he thought I was odd, still he gave me a courteous nod.

So in search of my goal did I depart, but before I could leave, the man came running.

“I can help you I believe… Information, you can get. You must now open your mind, and get to Tula, quick.”

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1259315219 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=333333 tracklist=false artwork=small track=1680092973]

So to Tula I went, in search of a song I so desired.

The winds they did blow eerily, but I felt that the day could be more dire.

There were stalls selling guitars and seashells in many shades.

People were scattered from many trades

I was greeted by a peculiar lady. She seemed to be rather beautiful. But I wondered if she was at all very dutiful.

Before I could open my mouth, she shouted, “For you, I have a note!”

“But how did you know?” I asked.

“Do you want it or not?” she did say. But, she then vanished before I could look away.



Published by

Ellis Walker

Poet and freelance journalist.