At only 24, Satchel Hart draws inspiration from the seventies and French revival scene, as he defends psychedelia with a cosmic passion, and glides through both space and time en route to a mystical land filled with ecstasy and eclectic delicacies.
This endearing and mysterious recluse, writes and records his tracks alone in his shack at the back of his garden. As a multi-instrumentalist, Hart develops a passion for guitars and synthesizers, that he uses to hypnotize us in his parallel world.
“Liquid Sunshine”, created for both feverish naps and festivals, encapsulates the innocence of an eternal summer and immerses the intoxicated listener into a noxious cosmic lullaby filled with sonic vibrations from the underworld of the unconscious.
Follow Satchel Hart on Spotify, and be sure to give him a follow. You never know.