How To Grow Your YouTube Channel in 2024

Growing your YouTube channel (in 2024) involves a combination of sustainable strategies to attract and retain viewers.

Here are some insider tips, from a fellow creator, in order to help you and your YouTube channel get more views, likes, and subscribers!

Create Enjoyable, High-Quality Content

Produce content that is engaging, entertaining, unique, and provides value to not only humanity, but more importantly, your target audience, or niche. This means that your content can be weird, or out there. And remember to create content that both you and your audience enjoys.

This may sound daunting, but just try to improve upon the quality of your content. At first, your videos will suck, but over time, if you keep improving and growing as an artist, you will be creating some very special content in no time.

Optimize Video Titles and Descriptions

Craft compelling and descriptive titles that accurately encapsulate your video content. Also, write detailed and keyword-rich video descriptions in order to improve SEO (searchability).

Use Eye-Catching Thumbnails

Create visually appealing thumbnails that grab attention and accurately represent the video. In our experience, thumbnails with bright contrasting colors, and a humanoid face plastered on it, tend to attract the most viewers.

Engage Your Audience – Early On

Capture viewers’ attention within the first few moments of your video. Encourage likes, comments, and subscriptions in the initial part of the video as well (or in the description, at the very least).

Promote on Social Media

Share your videos across various social media platforms to increase visibility, and thus drive traffic to your channel. And be sure to utilize hashtags and relevant keywords when sharing on social media.

Collaborate with Other Artists

Befriend, support, and collaborate with other artists on YouTube (in your niche). This can expose your content to a wider audience, and cross-pollinate both channel’s audience base.

Implement SEO Techniques

Research and include relevant, and trending keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags to improve search engine optimization.

Create YouTube Playlists

Group related videos into playlists. This encourages viewers to watch more of your content and increases overall views.

Encourage Your Viewers to Subscribe

Ask viewers to subscribe to your channel. Subscribers are more likely to watch your videos in the future, and are an integral facet to your success as an artist. I know this will feel weird at first, but sometimes, you do just have to ask.

Note: Add a video watermark to your videos. When your mouse hovers over top of this watermark, a button pops up, prompting the viewer to subscribe.

Interact with Your Audience

Respond to comments on your videos. In fact, engaging with your audience helps build a community around your channel, and will cultivate future growth. However, I’d advise that you not respond to negative (or hate) comments, but also, don’t delete them. Be glad that they’re giving you a comment and an algorithmic boost!

Utilize End Screens and Cards

Use YouTube’s end screens and cards to promote other videos or playlists at the end of each video.

Honestly, this is the only thing I haven’t really implemented on my YouTube channel, as I feel it could hinder the artistic flow of the video. However, implementing end screens and cards, will encourage people to subscribe, and watch your other content.

Keep in mind that raking in as many subscribers as possible is not my primary goal. I make music, and put it out on YouTube, because I can’t stop making music. That’s all.

Optimize Upload Routine

Sustainable consistency is key. Upload videos regularly and stick to a schedule to keep your audience engaged. Humans love routine. In fact, they become addicted to it. Now feed this addiction, and rise to the level of a creator.

Utilize Trends and Seasonal Content

Create content pertaining to trending topics, people, or events in your niche. This can attract more viewers interested in current happenings – thus driving YouTube traffic to your channel!

Run YouTube Ads

Consider running paid promotions on YouTube to reach a broader audience. But please, for the love of Jesus Christ, do not pay for views, likes, or followers, as this will only destroy your channel’s organic growth in the long run (the algorithm will know).

Instead, pay for your content to be promoted on YouTube (or Spotify). All the big-time artists are doing it. Now, cut back on those mocha lattes, and set aside a few bucks each week to push a video on YouTube.

Analyze Analytics

Use YouTube Analytics to understand your audience’s behavior, and when to upload at the opportune time. And learn which videos perform well and try to replicate upon this success.

Create YouTube Shorts, Go Live, and Post to Your Community

YouTube Shorts is powered by a completely different algorithm than YouTube Videos, and just might expose you to a whole new audience. Shorts must be under 60 seconds, filmed vertically, and remember that including tags on your Shorts, and linking to one of your videos, is very important.

Post photos, polls, shoutouts, and news pertaining to your channel on your Community tab. This will help you connect with your audience.

And when the time is right, and you’ve amassed an adequate number of subscribers, go Live!

Closing Thoughts

Remember, building a sustainable and engaged audience takes time and consistent energy, so be patient and persistent in your effort. Don’t focus on the here and now, instead, focus on creating an expansive catalogue of value. And remember to have some fun with it!

Bobby Lee once said that he treats YouTube like a video game. In order to beat it, one must practice, improve over time, and learn the ins and outs of the platform, or game. And of course, this all takes time.

I’ve employed most of these tactics on my own YouTube channel, and have gained over 100 subscribers in my first month of uploading.

You can follow my YouTube journey, here:

If you’d like more content like this in the future, then please subscribe to my YouTube channel.


Published by

J.R. Gilmore

J.R. Gilmore was born in the woodlands, on planet earth, 4.5 billion years after the planet was formed out of a mixture of dust and gas. And at least 3.5 million years after hominids stopped swinging in trees and began walking upright.