In wake of the subreddit r/wallstreetbets pumping Gamestop (GME) to unthinkable heights, many of us have come to realize that the game is rigged (and it has been for a long time).
We’ve known it subconsciously along the way, but only now are we beginning to wake up and truly realize that the dice are loaded.
Hedge funds, who have long preyed upon publicly traded companies and the common trader alike, are now the ones who are getting bullied for once. Elon Musk is leading the way. And let’s just say that the SEC and pundits, or glorified talking heads over at CNBC, are not happy at all.
As Julius Caesar embarked upon his conquest, his credo was to “divide and conquer”. And just as Caesar fragmented and conquered the Celtic world, the modern day system has divided us in a similar fashion.
No longer do we fight the oppressor, instead we fight each other and entertain ourselves with imported goods and a screen that hangs upon our walls.
Nonetheless, we’re all the same in the eyes of the cosmos. But we must come together if we are to survive. And nothing brings people together quite like music.
Outlaw country brought together the hippies and cowboys, Reggae brought together two races, and now we must all come together under the umbrella of music.
John Adams stated that “a division of the republic into two great parties…is to be dreaded as the great political evil.” And that’s exactly what has happened. Our country (and the world) has been split down the middle.
But a new day has dawned, and signs of a true revolution, a revolution where the people unite and conceive the abstract spectrum of relativity and our interconnected nature, is upon us.
This movement is larger than a subreddit, and it’s larger than any single individual or entity. After all, things have never not ended in revolution. It’s inevitable, a symptom of the vicious cycle. It transcends both space and time, and even these hollow words.
You hear it in music, you see it in film, and you can smell it in the air when the oppressor tightens his grip.
Divided we fall, but together we can do anything we dream up.
And now, here is a radical jam to lighten the mood and bring us a little bit closer together, it’s by Royalty Mains, a psychedelic country artist out of Texas, and features a beautiful slide guitar and an infectious melody of both heartbreak and hope in a laidback manner, and in low fidelity mind you. Enjoy.
Keep up with Royalty Mains on Instagram, and stay tuned. We have a new podcast on the horizon. And as we pivot a bit here at Santa Rosa Records, know that we’ll be writing more posts related to this matter, and will also be bringing aboard a few new writers in the near future.
Thank you so much to all of you who have been following Santa Rosa Records and have sent in music. If we haven’t gotten back to you, just know that we appreciate all of you from the bottom of our hearts. Long live the revolution.
For the past three years, we’ve added all the best underground music featured on Santa Rosa Records to a playlist on Spotify. Check it out and follow the playlist, here. We promise that all your friends will be impressed with your new eclectic taste in obscure indie music.
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